Log Data in Google Sheets
There are two methods to log data into cloud using Modbus Monitor Advanced version. Both methods uses the Google Sheets to log data at period basis.
1) Use Shared Google Sheet (Google account not necessary). Advantage of this method is that no Google account login is required. This option can be used when multiple devices are logging into one spreadsheet. The Google Sheet must be created and link pasted to use this. Option (2), below can be used to automatically create the Google Sheet but requires Account login.
a) Create new Google Sheet using sheets.google.com
b) Share newly created sheet using the “Share” button. Share with “Anyone with the link can edit”.
c) Copy and paste link to Modbus Monitor “Spreadsheet ID” located in Log tab of Setup screen. Emailing the link to your mobile device and PASTE makes it easy to copy.
d) Turn on “Use Google Sheets” option located in Log tab of Setup Screen.
e) Click Cancel in “Google Account Setup” dialog page. Account setup is not necessary for this option.
f) Adjust time interval to save battery and internet traffic.
g) Click “Connect” or Link to start communication and notice the data is logged in Google Spreadsheet.
2) Use Private Google Sheet (Google account must be used). This method requires Google Account but data is kept private. The Google Account and New Sheet can be created or reused from account.
a) Go To Settings and select “Use Google Sheets”.
b) Select “Create New Sheet on Start” if you require to create new spreadsheet on every start. Otherwise, Modbus Monitor Advanced used the same spreadsheet everytime.
c) Enter number of minutes in “CSV Log Timer” if you require to also create CSV local file. (0 disables the feature). This option can fill your device by creating huge files. Be sure to move created files on regular basis.
d) Press “Back” button.
e) Choose an account to log in.
f) This Account Setup control panel allows you to Test all of your settings.
- Log Out: Log Out of account.
- Log In: Log In Account. “Login OK” is shown on successful login.
- Change Account: Log out of current account and login to another account.
- Write Sample Data: Sample Data is written to spreadsheet to test settings.
- Create New Sheet: Creates new Spreadsheet and remembers the “Sheet ID”.
g) Adjust time interval to save battery and internet traffic. (Setting, Log Screen)
h) Click “Connect” or Link to start communication and notice the data is logged in Google Spreadsheet.