[Solved] Android modbus scanner
Please tell me if with Monitor Advanced I can find registers, scanning a board modbus connector. The board is a modbus slave and is not connected to the master
Thank you very much
The Modbus Monitor XPF application has this feature. You can find more information here: https://quantumbitsolutions.com/shop/modbus-monitor-xpf/
For more info on Modbus Scanner, please see the attached document or visit https://quantumbitsolutions.com/xpf-help/ . and search for "modbus scanner" or "Scanner – Settings".
I need to use the Android application on the phone, for this I ask about Monitor Advanced. Does Monitor Advance have this capability?
Thank you very much
Hello, not at the moment, but we will look into adding one. We also develop custom apps if you need it sooner or require a custom solution. Thank you for reaching out!