Error Codes

Error#3 Connection or Communication Transaction Create Error

Error#4 Connection or Communication Transaction Create Error

Error#5 Receive Frame Data Decode Error

  • Check loss of Wi-Fi / Ethernet / IP Addresses communication

Error#7 Modbus Transaction Execute Error

Error#9 Slave Returned Error

Error#10 Transaction Response Error

Error#11 Response Decode Error

Error#12 Error Closing Connection (TCP/UDP socket)

Error#14 Response Processing Error

Error#15 Read/Write Processing Error

Error#17 Packet Transaction ID Mis-match (Late Response?)

  • Suggestion: Increase Timeout

Error#99 Error Opening Connection (TCP, UDP, Bluetooth, or FTDI/SiLab/Prolific USB Serial Ports)

  • Suggestion: Check all of your Modbus Register settings or invalid or out of range configuration
  • Check the correct combination of selected Channel to the Protocol. For Example, picking Modbus TCP protocol on Bluetooth Channel will generate error #99. Only Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII protocols are supported on Bluetooth Channel. The protocol table on the Modbus Master’s page shows correct combination.

Input Error…1209522

  • “Count” empty, not a number, or out of range (must be <= 255)
  • “SlaveID” empty, not a number, or out of range (must be > 0)

Input Error…3209523

  • “Address” empty, not a number, or out of range (Must be <= 65535)
  • “SlaveID” empty, not a number, or out of range (Must be <= 255)
  • “Count” empty, not a number, or out of range (Must be <= 255)


  • Number Conversion Error, check for proper keyboard type and typing erros (no spaces before and after the number)
  • Check proper “Address”, “SlaveID”, and “Counts” as in error 1209522